Monday, August 10, 2009

Your Work is all Divine

Let us pray:

Father God,
Your work is all divine. I thank you for all the work you have done on me and through me. I truly desire to pursue my purpose to your honor and your glory. I thank you dear Lord that you know my heart, you know my desires, and you know your plans for my future.

I will keep on pressing to reach the place where you want me to be. I have made mistakes. I have done and said the wrong things at times in my life. I have gotten off track. I thank you that I can hear your voice when you call me back on track. I pray that all of the women of God will answer when you call them to their purpose.

I bless your name as I walk in the authority you have bestowed on me. I ask you God for your blessings, your guidance, and your supernatural power as I pursue my purpose in life. Grant me the clarity to recognize that you are preparing me to step into the fullness of my purpose. I pray that you grant me the steadfastness and the fortitude to not turn back.
Lord, please strengthen me in my weak places, heal me in my broken places, and deliver me from my sinful nature. Where there is fear Lord, I ask that you replace it with power, love, and a sound mind. Knowing the depth of your love for me, there is no way I want to cause you grief by being stubborn or disobedient.

I love you and I thank you for sending your best to me, Jesus the Christ. And so, I commit to giving my best to you. I commit myself to the building of your kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Lord, thank you for giving me a purpose. In Jesus’ name I say thank you. In Jesus’ name I pray.

This Reflective Prayer was taken from Chapter 1 of “Our Savior, Our Sisters, Ourselves” Biblical Teachings & Reflections on Women’s Relationships written by Rev. Dr. Jo Ann Browning, Co-Pastor of Ebenezer A.M.E. Church, Fort Washington, MD.

1 comment:

  1. As I read the prayer, my heart was full. The words presented in this prayer liken to the others throughout praycation are sentiments that echo my daily struggle and victory. God be with each of you as you keep your ears to the heart of God and as we train our ears to do the same.

