Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Morning Prayer

Let us pray together:

Oh Lord, how excellent and marvelous is your Name. You are the day spring of all my joy… my shelter, the lifter of my countenance. At every remembrance of your goodness, I bow in humble adoration. Indeed, your loving kindness is better than life. As I seek You early in the morning, I am grateful to behold the beauty of another day. A day so beautiful because of the radiance of Your love, the brilliance of Your wisdom that protrudes my thought process as I listen for your instructions and guidance for the day. Lord, you are awesome and mighty in power.

In this hour, I am inspired and my heart is spilling over with love for You. Oh God… my God… I love you with all of my heart, soul, mind, body and strength. I devote my life to You… for Your service and for Your delight… for Your glory and for Your honor.

Oh, God, create a clean heart within me, a heart that has been cleansed from my guilt of past sins, and even from the pain and shame of broken promises. Yes, cleanse me, and make me whole. Your Word says Your mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness unto me. My God, I praise Your Name.

I thank You for Your fatherly goodness today. Thank You for air to breathe. Thank You for the warmth of sunshine… the beauty of sun, wind, rain, moon, and stars. Thank You for clothes to wear and food on my table… a roof over my head… Thank You for being my God, and my Friend. Yes, I can call on You at all times. I am so glad that I can depend on You. Oh God, I give You my hopes… even my fears.

I release the pain of my past, the pressures to perform and to succeed. My passions and pursuits, I release them all to You. In Your hands there is major transformation. You transform my pain into purpose, my trials into triumphs, my distresses into destiny. You are so perfect in all of Your ways. Even my mess-ups become bless ups. God, I love You.

Thank You for Jesus, My Savior and Friend, Your only begotten Son. Yes, Father, Son, Holy Spirit—three in one, GOD. Now give me this day, to drink of Your Spirit, to be nourished by Your Word… clothed with Your righteousness. Lord as I greet my husband… my children… my world, let me do so in love, joy, and peace. Yes, today is a new day, that I can worship and praise the Lord.

In Jesus, Name. AMEN.

Rev. Maxine Thomas
St. Paul AME Church
Lexington, Kentucky

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