Monday, August 13, 2012

Praycation - DAY THIRTEEN

Automobile makers designs vehicles to handle the road in any season not just to look good on the showroom floor. It would be a poor manufacturer who builds a car for decoration and not for driving. In fact, the vehicle is made to handle the curves, steep climbs, and rough terrain, off road circumstances, slipping when wet conditions, icy and snow covered highways. Just as a ship is built to sail the seas when calm or chaotic, a car is built to handle the uncertainties of the road.

God gives us promises that are right for every season and occasion. God’s promises are not counterfeit but true currency that will be honored on the uncertain landscape of our lives. God’s promises are not just for showroom admiration but should be driven tested and tried on the curves, steep climbs, slippery when wet conditions and on rough terrain. You really won’t know for yourself until you take a test drive.

Which promise will you stand on today? He will never leave you nor forsake you? (Deuteronomy 3: 16) All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose? (Romans 8: 28) I can do all things through Christ…? (Philippians 4: 13) Be not weary in well doing for you reap if you faint not? (Galatians 6:9) He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless…? (Isaiah 40: 29) When you pass through the waters, I will be with you…? (Isaiah 43:2) His anger last for a moment, His favor lasts a lifetime…? (Psalm 30:5) Beloved I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers? (3John 1: 2)

Find a promise in God’s word today, just one beloved. God’s promises are not to keep in a book on a table but used daily as a source of comfort and confidence.

“Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God.”
Russell Carter (1886)

“He has given us his very great and precious promises.”
2 Peter 1: 4
Let us pray:
Lord, I claim the power of your promises to work in my life and through my life today and everyday, in Jesus name, amen.

Sometimes dreams are pleasant and sometimes they are not. I’ve found that when I awaken after a dream that causes me concern, I go straight into prayer even before I’m fully conscious or my feet touch the floor. If it is negative, I pray one of God’s promises. If it positive, I still pray God’s promises. Remember whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever if loosed on earth is loosed in heaven! (Matthew 18:18)

Le me know what is on your mind in the comment section on this site. Just click the subscribe icon and messages will come to your email address. Invite others to do the same!! 



  1. We thank our Heavenly Father for victories and
    breakthroughs past,present and future baesd on His Word that contain such precious and exceedingly great promises on our behalf and to His glory, in Jesus name, amen(so be it).
    Terry Walker, Faithwalker.

  2. Bishop, I know for myself, my favorite promise that the Lord Jesus made is that He will never leave us nor forsake us! I hold that promise close to my heart and it helps me make it from day to day! I must share this prayer/praise report with you: The night before, a friend of mine IM'ed me on Facebook and asked if I was awake and she needed me to call her and pray for her because she was in alot of pain. This happened about 11:45 PM. I called her and we prayed all the way to midnight; calling on the power of the Holy Spirit! Afterwards, she said, "Brandy, I feel no pain!!! The pain was gone!! And as of today, she has told me that the pain was still gone!!! Praise the Lord!!! Prayer is powerful! I am taking part in your Praycation...I look forward to it! To God be the Glory! - Sis. Brandy Dudley, Exhorter.

  3. Praise God for answered prayer!!

  4. HI***just heard from one(1) of our LenTen Series 2013 speakerS ***Rev. Marcus Cosby "what do you do*Child of God* "how do you handle iT *Saint* "what do you do *Member of Saint James* ....WHN G*O*D GOES MUTE ON me??? KEEP READING MY BIBLE(S) * LISTENING TO THE PRAYER LINE 6AM OR 9PM *** not FEELING much oF anyThAng *** but remember that ***GOD SAYS *HE WILL NEVER LEAVE me...mE...Me...ME* NOR FORSAKE me...mE...Me...ME!!! ...Go to Bible Study with The Women and Listen* Speak* Learn* AND WAIT ON THE LORD AND RENEW MY STRENGTH ??? right wordS .... but-tah whaaaT else??? How do I eat and enjoy??? when food doesnt even taste the same anymore? who do i call and talk to (that i know already ...when i'd rather TXT***and TALK TO IN PERSON...BUT WE ONLY RUN INTO ONE ANOTHER RANDOMLY :( ... or ppl asking sTupiD quesTionS jus to sEE whaaat little ole me iZ gonna say????? ***in my head i know exactly whaaat I wanna say***just doesnt sound very *GODLY* SO I REFRAIN BEFORE JUST THROWING OUT THE VERY CLEAR WORDS OF TAKE YOUR BEHIND TO CHURRRCHA AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!*** How did I get on the hottt seat??? Why do I not FEEL LIKE PREACHING AND SPEAKING THE WAY I USED TO ENJOY ABOUT THE GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL!!! I STILL LOVE JEEEEEEESUS!!!! just dont want to deal with ***NO*** ignorant stuff. GOD SHOW ME WHAAAT YOU WANT ME TO DO***not whaaat ppl think i should do.
