Tuesday, September 29, 2009

For Our Children

* A young honor student was beaten to death coming home from school on the streets of Chicago yesterday. Please pray for a hedge of protection to surround all of our children today and everyday.

Holy Righteous and forgiving God, in your son Jesus name we ask for your healing protection for our children. We ask you Lord that you meet them where they are in the full pardon of their circumstances.

Lord reign over their lives that their living is not in vain. Teach them God what it is to advocate for themselves, teach them what it is to acknowledge you first and show them what it looks like for all things to line up because you are the head of their lives.
Show our children what it means to love themselves as you have loved them. Teach what it means to be their comforter, thier confidant and their guide. Demonstrate what real love looks and feels like for them so that they does not seek it elsewhere.
Put our children in right relationship with you, so that they will be able to recognize what good healthy relationships are and how to manage and stay in them.

Teach them what it means to be the very temple of the living God, that they learn not to abuse or mutilate their bodies with drugs, sex, alcohol, or weapons, but show them what it means to rise early and bathe and bask in the glow of your peace and righteousness and love.

We thank you Loving God, in your son Jesus name we pray. Amen

Rev. Toni Belin

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