Advent Praycation 2012
There are so many people stressed out about picking the perfect gift for someone right now. It can’t be any ole toy but THE toy of the season. It can’t be any pair of shoes but the ones that say you rank in the social pecking order. Oh no, it can’t be just any piece of bling bling the real bling that makes the heart $ing. The gift must be something special that says I love you, I care or you’re special, wonderful and I took all this time, trouble and expense just for you!
Half the people you care about want you to be a mind reader. You have to figure out what they really want without them telling you. The other half will give you a long list to pick from or want you to get the whole gift.
Amazingly, some people promise themselves that they will not get caught up in the shopping frenzy especially those who don’t shop or hate to shop. Yet they do. And you? Sure you’ll be out there getting the last minute something for someone or yourself. There is food to cook…lots of it. Final preparations to attend to….people are coming, you’ll be going… you’ll be giving and getting…won’t it be great?!
Try to remember whose birthday it is! Christmas is the time to celebrate with those around you that God reached down into the world and gave us the gift of all gifts. God knew exactly what we needed. So God did the God thing by reaching out to the world through Jesus Christ who came with salvation for all. Love invaded the world and grace came along for the ride. Hallelujah the Lord is come!
So this Christmas, if you haven’t already just accept THE gift called Jesus. Say thank you a lot because this gift fits all sizes, races, and origins. This gift will never run out, run away or go away. Just say thank you, thank ya Lordy!
Repeat your Advent Affirmation throughout the day: In everything that happens today I will give thanks to the Lord.
“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart.”
Psalm 111: 1
Thanksgiving for God’s Love
O, Lord our God, how excellent is Your name in All the Earth!
We pause at this time in the Season of Advent with over flowing grateful hearts
And say, “Thank you, Lord!”
Thank You for Your unconditional love gift of Jesus, the Christ!
Thank You for loving us before we loved ourselves;
Thank You for sending Jesus that we might live through Him.
Thank You God for showing us that true love is patient,
And thank You for teaching us the endurance of true love!
Thank you God, for loving us through our sins
And providing us a way back to You and Your love.
Thank You for Christ’s unspeakable gift of eternal life!
We are truly grateful, Lord, in Jesus Name. Amen.
1 John 4:7a, 9-10
Bishop Sarah F. Davis
16th Episcopal District
AME Church
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