Saturday, March 31, 2012

Somebody Prayed For Me

John 17:20-26

Last year I had an occasion to go to the church where my Great-Grandparents worshipped. Sitting quietly in the sanctuary I thought about the tremendous sacrifices they made so that there would be a place for our family to gather. No doubt the surrender of their time, talent and tithes laid the foundation for many generations of our family to return to that very place to celebrate, mourn and make new memories.

As I walked to the altar and knelt there, I could feel the power of their prayers…..prayers for opportunities to be granted us, prayers for our safety, well-being and for the generations yet unborn to receive the gift of salvation.

Bowing down at that altar allowed me to fully understand the depth of their prayers and how those petitions held our family together. Their prayers for our future made way for us to receive an abundance of gifts and graces that we might otherwise have missed. The love it took to pray for those they would never see humbled me and clarified the simple truth that we are living on the strength of their prayers.

John 17:20-26 records the prayer of Jesus for future generations of believers. He asks that we find unity, protection and holiness as we make our journey of faith. His petition left a legacy of love and truth that has transferred to us through his word. It stands as evidence to a dying world that the witness of Christ will never die as long as we faithfully continue to believe.

When I arose from the altar I could hear the voices of the Saints of old singing, “Somebody prayed for me, had me on their mind. Took the time and prayed for me. I’m so glad they prayed, I’m so glad they prayed, I’m so glad they prayed for me!” With tears rolling down my face, I realized more profoundly than ever before that surely they prayed we would continue the work that they began not just so they would be remembered but so that the world would know that we came from many generations of believers. Now, we have the responsibility to do the same.

Rev. Carmen Walker MDiv

Pastor, Mt. Zion AME Church

Opelika, AL

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Promise

John 14:15–31

How comforting to know that no matter what the circumstances Jesus will never abandon us. Even in our darkest moments, when the He seems far away, His departure is temporary. More important, each new encounter with Jesus offers something that will change us, yet again, at the core of who we are.

The Disciples probably could not comprehend what Jesus ws telling them, though that seems strange, after having witness the resurrection of Lazarus. How short lived our faith in miracles! But, Jesus must have known that they did not fully understand. “Oh ye of little faith!” Jesus is being transparent so that one day, the disciples can look back and connect the dots. When the Holy Spirit falls on them fire, they will remember Jesus’ promise to send a comforter.

The prophetic Jesus teaches us that our faith is grounded in reality. It is not blind trust, or misguided hope. Each time we experience the miracle working power of God in or lives, we are reminded that God’s power has been active in our lives many times before and will be many times to come.

The Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of Gods promise to be with us even until the end of the world. Not just as a singular or momentary visitor evoking emotional response to God’s presences, but as a partner that confirms the validity of our convictions and faith over and over again by being active in our daily lives.

Rev. Vivian Nixon,

Executive Director, College and Community Fellowship

475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1626

New York, NY 10115


Remember to continue to increase your prayer time daily and dig deeper into the Word of God, especially today's passage John 14: 15-31. How are you dealing with the Daniel fast? Still on or off? If off, just jump back on again!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Live to Give

"The wicked borrow, and do not pay back, but the righteous are generous and keep giving."Psalm 37:21

Lord, may the spirit of generosity overcome us and lead us to give ourselves, our souls and bodies as a reasonable sacrifice today. It's time to give our all to you today.

Empower us to speak your word into the lives of those around us; to give wise counsel when asked; to give a kind word and comfort to those who are suffering; to give of our time to causes that need our input and influence; to give our love without seeking reciprocity and to give our treasure to undergird your work. Help us to give unselfishly and grow beyond self-serving lifestyles.

In Jesus name, increase our eagerness to give ourselves to you! Amen.


Ask God to give your opportunities to be a blessing to someone else today. You are already blessed, now be a blessing!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thank You Lord!

"I will lift my eyes to you whose throne is in heaven."
Psalm 123: 1 (REB)

We lift our eyes today to see your handiwork from the first blush of dawn to the first blush of spring flowers who seem to be blooming out of time. We are amazed again as you transition us into a new season.

We stand in awesome wonder as birds migrate to new nesting places in the north and other animals shake off the sleep of hibernation. In these brilliant days of early spring, we see your creativity and feel your presence in the unusual warmth of the air.

May we never be in such a hurry to handle the business of this day or any day that we neglect to take the time to observe the beauty of your creation and be thankful!


Remember to keep your gratitude list going. Everyday write down the people, places and things you are grateful for. Take a moment for a thanks break...thanks God for the things on your list. Pull the list out whenever the events of the day sap the thanksgiving right out of you!

Go to for your daily Lenten devotion. Keep up at

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fresh Courage

“We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.” II Corinthians 4: 8-9

I remember the awareness of the spirit of God that sought me out in my aloneness and gave me a sense of assurance that undercut my despair and confirmed my life with new courage and abiding hope. Amen

Howard Thurman

Let us pray:

Give me everything I need today Lord, to face critical challenges, crises and change! Amen.


Remember to read you daily devotion at Keep up at Increase your prayer time to three times daily, dig into God's word and/or do the Daniel Fast.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Light

"In the morning, O Lord, hear my voice. In the morning, I lay my needs in front of you, and I wait." Psalm 5:3

Orchestrator of the Universe help me this morning and every morning that you grant me life, to come to you in the quiet of dawn's early light, before caffein, rush hour, the opening bell, the punched clock, the Tweets and texts while there is a hush all over the house. I come before I take on too much of the day or before the day takes too much out of me. I come before you to hear Your voice behind me telling me which way to go.

I present myself, my soul and body as a reasonable sacrifice. I bring you praise and thanksgiving before I lay my needs before you. I bring the possibilities of the day and ask you to use it for your glory. I bring whatever patience I can gather to wait, wait to hear your voice in every matter.

Heal the wounds of the past so that I do not bleed over everyone today. Pick up the chards of my broken dreams and bring them to life again. Pour into me a love that will not faint in the challenge of everyday life. In Jesus name, Amen.


There is till time to take advantage of an intense prayer experience during the season of Lent. We're moving towards Resurrection morning in April by increasing our prayer time, digging deeper into God's word, read the daily devotion and/or doing the Daniel fast. Let's see what God has to say to us during this season!

Daily Lenten devotions are at Share your thoughts or prayer experiences in the comment section.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Forgotten

"Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the Lord delivers them in times of trouble. The Lord protects and preserves them-- they are counted among the blessed in the land-- he does not give them over to desire of their foes. The Lord sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness."

Heavenly Father,

As the seasons are changing, we see many of our brothers and sisters on the streets exposed to the elements-- Lord be their shelter when they have none; be their provider when others fail-- be their resource, giving them everything they may need. Let them not be forgotten on today.

Lord, touch the hearts of those who may come across those who are less fortunate then themselves this season and allow them to show themselves friendly. Make ways for those who need you to be able to find strength in you. Proctect them dear Lord from sucumbing to trials and times of trouble.

Deliver us; Equip us; Empower us; Rebuild us; Help us being a blessing to others in this season and have kinder regard for those who can not do for themselves.

And God, bless those who are sick on today-- sick with pneumonia, sick with colds and influenza, sick with diabetes, cancer, and other illness that have riddled our bodies. Bless those who are ill and restore their bodies even now. We lift up our loved ones who need you to be a healer on today. Restore them; Heal them and keep them.
In your name we ask all these things, Amen.

Jasmine Saint Jean
Empowerment Temple AMEC


Take the journey or start the journey today! Just increase your prayer time to three times daily, start or continue the Daniel Fast and go deeper into God's Word. Be sure to pray daily the Lenten prayer and read the daily Lenten devotion at

Friday, March 16, 2012

Weather The Storm

Father God, Today I am afraid. I look around me at this world that is changing so fast and I feel lost like a small boat in the midst of a storm. I am not built to weather the battering waves or the howling wind. So I wait now in your presence. You spoke the oceans and the four winds into being. You threw the stars in the sky and separated the sea from dry land. You took the hand of Peter who was sinking into the depths of the water and walked him to safety. I choose now to fix my eyes on you and not on the storm. I settle my heart on your love and not on the current that threatens to pull me under. Thank you that you are my firm anchor even through the darkest night, Amen

From Sheila Walsh author of "Let Go"


It's hard to believe that Holy Week is just two weeks away. There is still time to join the journey while we have Calvary in sight! Just read the daily devotions at, the prayers on this site, increase your prayer time and/or join the Daniel Fast. Share your prayer thoughts in the comment section!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Work is all Divine

Father God,
Your work is all divine. I thank you for all the work you have done on me and through me. I truly desire to pursue my purpose to your honor and your glory. I thank you dear Lord that you know my heart, you know my desires, and you know your plans for my future.

I will keep on pressing to reach the place where you want me to be. I have made mistakes. I have done and said the wrong things at times in my life. I have gotten off track. I thank you that I can hear your voice when you call me back on track. I pray that all of the women of God will answer when you call them to their purpose.

I bless your name as I walk in the authority you have bestowed on me. I ask you God for your blessings, your guidance, and your supernatural power as I pursue my purpose in life. Grant me the clarity to recognize that you are preparing me to step into the fullness of my purpose. I pray that you grant me the steadfastness and the fortitude to not turn back.

Lord, please strengthen me in my weak places, heal me in my broken places, and deliver me from my sinful nature. Where there is fear Lord, I ask that you replace it with power, love, and a sound mind. Knowing the depth of your love for me, there is no way I want to cause you grief by being stubborn or disobedient.

I love you and I thank you for sending your best to me, Jesus the Christ. And so, I commit to giving my best to you. I commit myself to the building of your kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Lord, thank you for giving me a purpose. In Jesus’ name I say thank you.

In Jesus’ name I pray.

This Reflective Prayer was taken from Chapter 1 of “Our Savior, Our Sisters, Ourselves” Biblical Teachings & Reflections on Women’s Relationships written by Rev. Dr. Jo Ann Browning, Co-Pastor of Ebenezer A.M.E. Church, Fort Washington, MD.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Perpetual Praise Psalm

"Every day I will bless you, and praise your name forever and ever."
Psalm 145:2

Lord, we bless you and praise your name forever! We cannot stop thanking you for the gift of life in good times or times of challenge. Out of our mouths flows the sacrifice of praise as we bless your holy name forever.

We lay our burdens at your feet along with all doubts, fears, worries, uncertainties, and failures. We release to you our stresses and strains so we can rest in your powerful presence. We give ourselves to you again. Forgive us Lord so we can grow beyond the sins that so easily beset us.

Strengthen and sustain us to be a perpetual psalm of praise of your wondrous works through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.



During the Lenten Journey, lay your stress, strains human strategies at the feet of Jesus. You cannot add a single hour to your span of life by worrying. (Matthew 6:27) Lighten your load and become a perpetual Psalm of praise!!

During this season, increase your prayer time, join the Daniel Fast and read the daily Lenten devotion at Let know you are on he journey with us. Share your experiences in the comment section.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Calm

My soul only waits for the Lord.
In silence I sit in anticipation for the one who is my rock and my salvation. Draw me out of the chaos of this world and into the calm of your intimacy. I breathe out chaos and breathe in calm; breathe out the chaotic experiences of living in an uncertain world and breathe in the calm of a peace that surpasses all understanding; breathe out chaotic personalities and breathe in the calm of a changeless Christ; breathe out ignorance and breathe in the calm of your wisdom that instructs me; breathe out my will and breathe in thy will be done.
Calm me just as you have calmed the winds and the waves.
Speak to me just as you spoke to the storm.
Touch me in places I’d rather leave untouched.
See me and know what I thought was hidden from you.
Cross my inner threshold so that we are one.
Here I am Lord your servant is listening

In Jesus Name

It's hard to believe it is just a few weeks away from Resurrection morning. You can still walk the way of Christ during this Lenten Season. Increase your prayer time, find a Bible Study group near you, attend special Lenten services and/or join the Daniel Fast. Go to for your daily devotions.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Let us pray together:

Gracious God, who has brought us to the beginning of this day, thank you for your power and grace that defends us by your might. Lord, help us to appreciate and understand what your design is, for us, on this day. You are a loving and gracious Father, please have mercy on us as we explore all of the possibilities that you have given us to love, share, and care in this wonderful world that you have made.

Lord, on this day please forgive us for our sins of omission and commission. Please have mercy upon us! Please protect us from the Enemy who is constantly shooting fiery darts at us! Lord, you are our deliverance!

How we love having a continuous talk with you throughout the day! Thank you that you are always listening to us and that no weapon that is formed against us will prosper. Please keep us strong, increase our faith and give us power from on high.

God, you are phenomenal and your mercies are new every morning! You are The Creator who does all things well. Thank you for attending to every detail of our lives. Everything that you do, you do for our good! Please help us to be patient, rejoicing in our suffering, allowing your plans to become our plans, as you perfect us day by day! Thank you for the joy that only comes from serving You.

Your power reaches up to the Heavens and beyond!
We love you Lord! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Rev. Carl Walker
Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church
St. Paul, MN

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Morning Joy!

Dear God,

Remembering our past can be difficult, especially when we have memories of broken dreams, painful ordeals and unresolved conflicts. Help us to remember that in the midst of the darkness there was also the light of your grace. The moments when life seemed to offer nothing became occasions of discovering that you are everything.

When we look back today, we can see you working behind the scenes transforming our difficult moments into a means of grace. Thank God, weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning!

In Jesus Name, Amen.

Sue Burton

Today make a list of all the things you are grateful for - a child's smile, a renewed relationship, the car started, a stranger's kindness, a bill paid, an unexpected hug, a rainbow after the rain, the smell of spring in the air, sunshine or recovery after illness - when in the midst of a challenging day read your Gratitude List and rejoice!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dancing In The Rain

Thank you Lord for being all beginnings and all endings. In the morning you cradle the world and in the evening you heal our wounds so we can fight another day; You are the morning dew and the evening mist; You are the early morning sun kissing the potential of a new day and you are the twilight whispering promises yet to come.

We sing of sorrows and laugh at mistakes; we dance in the rain and laugh at the wind; we dream of things yet to come and believe the things we hope for, the evidence of thing unseen.

When our faith falters and our hopes crash upon the craggy rocks of ambition, renew our strength; let us be caught into your loving arms when we faint and lifted up as we struggle to rise above circumstances that seek our demise. You are a great and mighty God who helps us to live above our circumstances.

It is in the name of Gratitude we pray, Amen.


Identify a prayer partner to share this journey with you. You can call, text or tweet when it's time to pray. Pray the daily prayer on this site or just pray prayers from your heart. Remember to pray for those who exercise leadership in our churches, community, and country.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Silence is Golden

Silently now I wait for thee,
ready, my God, thy will to see.
Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine!

Silently now I wait for thee,
ready my God, thy will to see.
Open my ears, illumine me, Spirit divine!

Silently now I wait for thee,
ready my God, thy will to see.
Open my my heart, illumine me, Spirit divine!

Clara H. Scott

Let us pray:

Lord of all, silently now we come this morning to hear, to learn and to know. We come to hear your voice, enjoy your presence, discern your will and know which way to go in our lives today. Speak now, your servants are listening. In Jesus name Amen.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Just As I Am, I Come

"O God, Thou art my God. Early will I seek thee…"
Psalm 63:1

O God, I come to you in the darkness of the morning
I come just as I am starting to hear the birds singing praise to you
I come before the phone starts to ring, before messages are texted or tweeted
I come to You, O God, before the flood of emails and voicemails
I come before I remember tasks left undone from yesterday
I come before the uncertainty of tomorrow becomes fear

I come before I try to live out my own plan
I come before temptation ripens
I come to You, O God, before competing voices can influence
I come before I can mistake my thoughts for Your voice
I come before I can remember all I want from you and all I want you to do for me

I come, early in this morning, to say I love You and I thank You for loving me
Thank you for giving me this day – now, I give it back to you: live today in me live through me love through me bless through me empower through me rescue through me give joy through me O God, I come to you in the darkness of the morning, like Jesus did, to make your will my will.

In His name, AMEN
Roderick Dwayne Belin

Join The Lenten Journey. It's easy. Read the daily devotion at, pray three times a day and/or do the Daniel Fast. Be sure to share this link with others. Just click the icon on the home page on the right side to get prayers in your email in-box.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Company Keeping

O Lord, My God:
Keeping company with you, the source of all wisdom, knowledge and power, leads to a greater revelation beyond human achievement.
Tutor my spirit, when I need to be challenged
Assure my heart when fear seeks to overtake my faith;
Mentor my mind when I'm confused about direction and destination and
Satisfy my hunger for certainty and control.

Just spending time being with you helps me to entrust my life to you more and more each day. Thank you for being close even when I feel you are so far away. Abide with me through this day. Lead me to a rock higher than myself. In Jesus name, Amen.


Increase your prayer moments today. Let's pray for divine wisdom in every circumstance that comes our way today. Join The Lenten Journey: Yea Tho' I Walk.