Saturday, August 13, 2011

God's Covering


Sometimes the things that keep us up late at night are more than dietary issues. An emotional hurt or pain, a disappointment, an attack, grief, a loss or the memory of a cruel injustice can sweep over us ruining more than one night’s sleep.

A young child wrote her experience of wrestling with great agonies in the midnight hour. She wrote that as she cried out to God, she heard in response “Love covers all”. She mentally dug a deep grave. She buried the offense that had wounded her heart and covered it with dirt. Her testimony is that she covered the hole with green sod and planted white roses and forget-me-nots on top and walked away.

Restful sleep found her once again and the issues that wounded her so deeply healed without a scare. God’s love completely covered her grief.

“Love covers all wrongs”

Proverbs 10:12

Lord, I bury all of the people; places and things that have caused me grieve into your love that has the power to cover all wrongs.

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