Friday, February 10, 2012

The Sound of Silence

Let us be still together:

At the mention of fasting, immediately we think of refraining from food. Sometimes, a fast from noise and idle chatter is more helpful. A period of silence is often necessary to hear God’s still small voice above the dissonance of our lives which distracts us from a deeper relationship with the Lover of our souls. This is difficult in our society in which we are inundated with words and stimuli coming at us from every direction. Some retreat to monasteries with rolling green hills and pastoral scenes to claim silence. Others walk labyrinths. You may not be able to escape to a monastery or find a labyrinth handy but you can push away from your desk and take a break. During your break, do breath prayers.

On a deep inhalation from your diaphragm, breathe: “Lord, Have Mercy.” On the exhalation: “Christ, Have Mercy.” On the inhalation: “Lord, Have Mercy.” On the exhalation: “Amen.”

Please repeat as many times as necessary, as you claim the space and silence necessary to listen to God in the midst of your precious life.

Pastor Angela L. Shannon
Advent Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Sylvania, OH


  1. I must try this! Thanks

  2. I agree this is also helpful first thing in the early morning hours.

  3. Pastor Angela L. Shannon is no longer Pastor of Advent Lutheran Church??
    How is this post still up on the interent?
