Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Demands and Distractions

"What does the Lord require of you?"
Micah 6:8

The demands upon our time and tempers keep us distracted from doing what you require. Empower us, Lord God of all, to do what is required of us - to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before you.

As we seek mercy for ourselves, help us to extend mercy to each other. As we seek justice for ourselves, help us to seek justice for those who cannot help themselves. As we stand boldly before our adversaries, we strive to walk in humble obedience to your will.

In Jesus name, help us to fulfill all that is required of us this day and all the days of our lives. Amen.


"The invitation to a life of prayer is the invitation to live in the midst of this world without being dropped in the net of its wounds and needs. The word ”prayer” stands for a radical interruption of the vicious chain of interlocking dependencies that lead to violence and war and for an entering into an entirely new dwelling place. It points to the a new way of speaking, of breathing, of being together, of knowing – truly, to a whole new way of living."

Henri Nouwen


The Lenten Journey: Yea Tho' I Walk is your invitation to step up your commitment to pray. Pray daily three times a day! Be sure to let us know in the comment section your prayer experiences!!

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