Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Listening Place

"Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live..."
Isaiah 55:3

Dear God,

I really do want to be like Jesus, not only in my works, but also in my ability to get by myself and listen to your voice. I am so accustomed to the sounds around me until I am not sure I know how to stop listening to them. I know I must learn to listen attentively to your voice. I humbly ask you to teach me how to be, how to listen.

The Inward Journey
Dr. Jessica Ingram
Episcopal Supervisor
10th Episcopal District, AMEC

1 comment:

  1. Amen. In this season of silence, how loud are the whispers. Thank you Dr. Ingram for the prayer that speaks for my heart. Surely, our change is coming. ldm
