Let us pray this prayer together:
When my heart falters, wrap me in a love that creates clean hearts and renews steadfast spirits within.
When my attention span causes my mind to wandering, gently knock upon the door of my heart again.
When I am surrounded by noise and violence, lead me to a quiet place.
When the silence is intimidating, transform the threats with your tranquility.
When doing becomes more important than being, help me to be still and know the power of your presence.
When I am tempted to go another way, whisper in my ears your marching orders.
When I am are thirsty, let me drink from your cup of grace.
When I am hungry after righteousness, feed me until I want no more.
When I am are empty, step into the void and darkness and say, “Let there be light”.
When I am blinded by the idols of this world, give me the courage to see that yours is still the kingdom and glory, forever.
When the time to be silent is over, speak through me words of life to a dying world.
When and When Again,
In Jesus name, it is so!