Friday, November 11, 2011

Can You Praise God Enough?

Have you ever praised God so much that you ran out of words? You strain to offer more praise and thanksgiving but you find yourself at a loss for words. You are not alone. All of us have had that experience especially after the Lord has done the impossible or the miraculous for us.

The Psalmist had the same experience. When he recounted all the moments when God didn’t utterly destroy Israel even when Israel had proven unworthy of God’s love. How can you ever praise God enough for when the Lord has done for you!

Let us pray:

“Who can list the glorious miracles of the Lord? Who can ever praise him enough”

Psalm 106: 2

Today we lift our voices to join the chorus of those who are continually praising your name for your acts of kindness, your goodness and your mercy towards us. You are good and your faithful love endures forever!

We can exhaust ourselves in radical praise and it still won’t be enough. We can come to end of the lexicon and it still won’t be enough. We can empty ourselves in thanksgiving and it still won’t be enough because who can ever praise you enough?

Take our praise offering as just the beginning….in Jesus name, Amen.



Join us in Praying through the Psalms during this transition season between autumn and the liturgical season of Advent. Pray a psalm a day or pray your favorite psalm. Share this psalm discipline with others on FB, twitter or via email. You can always subscribe by clicking on the icon on the lower right side of the home page. Let us pray together and watch God work wonders in our lives!


  1. Just need to weep for my inadequate praise,though life's hurts remain so do my many flaws

  2. Just need to weep for my inadequate praise,though life's hurts remain so do my many flaws
