In your name, Amen
Oh God,
I come to you this morning with a heavy heart, yet and still, I'm grateful!! Things may not be going the way I want them to go, but in spite of it all, I'm grateful!! I surrender my thoughts, my wishes, my wants, my pain, my shortcomings, my family, my secret desires, oh God, I surrender all!!! Take it from me oh Lord!! Grant me your power, your love and your grace to make it just one more day, and your servant will continue to be grateful!!! I love YOU and thank YOU for being LORD over everything!! Take charge of YOUR child this morning Abba, take charge in YOUR son JESUS name, Amen.
Fountain of life, we thank you for the gift of another day. Forgive us of our sins of omission –the things we didn’t do and should have done. Forgive us for the sins of commission- the sins that so easily beset us.
Help us today to offer thanks to you, not in pious gestures or empty words but by living faithful to your call. Enable us to bear the fruit of thankfulness by serving others. Empower us to reach beyond our comfort zones to build community with those around us. Help us to willingly accept the love and friendship of others. Help us to trust that you have our best interests at heart...even when tough tests come from you, our Tender Teacher.
We know that you are with us and for us everyday. In Jesus name, we offer this prayer, Amen
If you haven't tried reading through the Bible, start now!
1 1 Corinthians 16 2 Kings 12-13 Micah 3
2 2 Corinthians 1:1-2:4 2 Kings 14 Micah 4:1-5:1
3 2 Corinthians 2:5-3:18 2 Kings 15-16 Micah 5:2-15
4 2 Corinthians 4:1-5:10 2 Kings 17 Micah 6
5 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:13 2 Kings 18 Micah 7
6 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:16 2 Kings 19 Nahum 1
7 2 Corinthians 8 2 Kings 20-21 Nahum 2
8 2 Corinthians 9 2 Kings 22:1-23:35 Nahum 3
9 2 Corinthians 10 2 Kings 23:36-24:20 Habakkuk 1
10 2 Corinthians 11 2 Kings 25 Habakkuk 2
11 2 Corinthians 12 1 Chronicles 1-2 Habakkuk 3
12 2 Corinthians 13 1 Chronicles 3-4 Zephaniah 1
13 John 1:1-18 1 Chronicles 5-6 Zephaniah 2
14 John 1:19-34 1 Chronicles 7-8 Zephaniah 3
15 John 1:35-51 1 Chronicles 9 Haggai 1-2
16 John 2 1 Chronicles 10-11 Zechariah 1
17 John 3:1-21 1 Chronicles 12 Zechariah 2
18 John 3:22-36 1 Chronicles 13-14 Zechariah 3
19 John 4:1-26 1 Chronicles 15:1-16:6 Zechariah 4
20 John 4:27-42 1 Chronicles 16:7-43 Zechariah 5
21 John 4:43-54 1 Chronicles 17 Zechariah 6
22 John 5:1-18 1 Chronicles 18-19 Zechariah 7
23 John 5:19-47 1 Chronicles 20:1-22:1 Zechariah 8
24 John 6:1-21 1 Chronicles 22:2-23:32 Zechariah 9
25 John 6:22-59 1 Chronicles 24 Zechariah 10
26 John 6:60-71 1 Chronicles 25-26 Zechariah 11
27 John 7:1-24 1 Chronicles 27-28 Zechariah 12
28 John 7:25-52 1 Chronicles 29 Zechariah 13
29 John 8:1-20 2 Chronicles 1:1-2:16 Zechariah 14
30 John 8:21-47 2 Chronicles 2:17-5:1 Malachi 1:1-2:9
31 John 8:48-59 2 Chronicles 5:2-14 Malachi 2:10-16