Friday, July 26, 2013
Praycation Is On The Way!
Once again beloved, it is time for Praycation! Since 2009, we have invited you to join us on a 31-day spiritual journey to strengthen our relationship with the Lord through prayer. It's an opportunity to grow, go deeper and leap higher in faith. Let's get ready. It all begins August 1, 2013.
"Prayer catapults us onto the frontier of the spiritual
life. Of all the Spirirutal Disciplines prayer is the most central because it
ushers us into perpetual communion with the Father. Meditation introduces us to
the inner life, fasting is an acocompanying means. study transforms our minds,
but it is the Discipline of prayer that brings us into the deepest and highest
work o the human spirit. Real Prayer is life creating and life changing."
Richard J. Foster
"Teach me your way, O Lord, that I
may walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart to revere your name."
Psalm 86:11
Majestic Lord, we lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving.
Teach us to walk in the truth of your Word and demonstrate this truth in
thought, word and deed to those we encounter today. Open to us the mysteries of
your grace so that we can know the difference between what is essential and
what is convenient. Grace is essential.
Create in us a clean heart and renew right intentions within us.
In Jesus Name, remove from us all evil intentions so that wrong motives do not
ever mingle with holy desires. Amen
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
The Lenten Journey: Yea Tho' I Walk

People all over the country and other parts of the world will be fasting and praying together during this Lenten Season. Without listing all the troubles and conflicts affecting the world today, I am sure you will agree there is an urgent need for prayer and fasting in this hour. So, your brothers and sisters are praying that you will be a part of this international prayer team that will embrace an awesome move of God so needed in the world today.
God has laid it upon our hearts to participate in a Daniel Fast in which nearly everyone can participate. Essentially, during a Daniel Fast, you will eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, grains and beans. The Biblical basis for this fast is found in Daniel 1:8-16 and 10:1-3.
This fast has physical benefits, but be assured, our anticipated goals are spiritual. Daniel 6:3 tell us that Daniel had an “excellent spirit” that caused him to be distinguished from among his peers. It is no leap at all to believe that the excellent spirit in Daniel was related to his life of spiritual discipline through fasting and prayer. As such, like Daniel, we will pray three times a day seeking the face of God and interceding for our families, churches, communities, nations and the world. Additionally, Christian brothers and sisters have volunteered to write a devotional guide that will build us up throughout the fast. The devotions will be available at and
The Lenten Fast begins this Wednesday, February 22nd and concluding on Resurrection Sunday. Remember to pray for each other to be strengthened in anticipation what God is going to do in and through us.
Rev. Roderick Belin
Presiding Elder, South Nashville District
Brentwood, Tennessee
The Lenten Journey: Yea Tho' I Walk begins on Wednesday with the Daniel Fast and a commitment to pray at least three times a day. Invite others to pray with you. You can come together and pray or share a prayer over the telephone, in a text or email message or just commit to remind each other to pray morning, noon and night.
Each day during Lent I will share with the prayer focus for the day. Be blessed!
Let Us Pray:
Gracious God, we come today confessing that we have spent much of our time satisfying our own needs, hungers and desires. Forgive us as we prepare to turn down our plates and turn our faces to the wall to hear you more clearly and love you more dearly. Prepare us to take the journey that will transform our lives to more resemble the self-giving sacrificial love of our savior. In Jesus name, Amen.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Quick, Before It's Too Late!
What is the first thing you do when consciousness knocks on the door of your mind in the morning and you realize that the grace of God has granted you another day of living? For some of us, thoughts of what needs to be done that day come rushing in. For others, thoughts turn to who is with you or whom you want to be with you. Family house noises call you to move towards the regular morning routine. I go immediately into prayer talking to God before I engage my world.
Still others begin the day with a complaint on their lips. It’s like the old story of the man who went to a monastery for three years. He was only allowed to say two words per year. After the first year he said, “ Bed hard.” At the end of the second year he said, “Food cold.” At the end of the third year, he said, “I quit.” The leader of the monastery said, “It’s no wonder, said the Father. “All you have done is complaint since you’ve been here.”
Do a self-check today. Do you start the day complaining? How many times a day do you complain? Be honest. Complaining can be a contagious attitudinal life-style that can block the joy and peace that God can bring into our lives.
Instead of complaining about the things that are beyond your control, bring them to the Lord. I know, it’s tough, hard, you don’t feel like it, it’s troublesome, it’s not the weekend or a holiday yet, it’s cold, it’s wet, and it’s your job or responsibility. Ask God to change your attitude before all you do is whine and complain, whine and complain and whine and complain.
Quick Lord, before it’s too late. Complaining has the capacity to kill joy and relationships. Who wants to work with or live with people who constantly complain about everything?
Try declaring a complaint fast for 24 hours. Put your daily gripes in the hands of God. Let me know in the comment section how you made out: winning or whining!
Repeat after me: Today Lord, cancel my pity party and grip sessions and then lead me to a winning attitude so I can experience joy and genuine thanksgiving!
“Do everything without complaining or arguing. Then you will be innocent and without any wrong.”
Philippians 2:12-14 NCV
Philippians 2:12-14 NCV
Let us pray:
Lord, deliver us from attending our daily gripe sessions. Forgive us for all of the time we’ve spent on self- pity and inviting others to our pity parties. Create in us a winning attitude instead of a whining attitude. Help us today to paint a beautiful picture on the canvas of life full of vibrant ideas to improve and move forward, the Lord being our helper.
Cancel the cancerous complaining that kills the love in my heart. Help us to give you everything that is beyond our control. Sweetened our spirit today and everyday.
Now, it is with grateful hearts that we are determine to live fully today. Thank you Lord for all you has been, all you are right now and all you shall be in our lives. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Leave It and Walk Away
John 4: 43-54
“The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and went his way.” — John 4: 50
This time was different. On this visit to Cana, Jesus had no need to dread the pinch of hometown skepticism toward His ministry. He received a warm welcome.Had the Galileans not recently witnessed His miracles, would the welcome have been the same? Would the official have sought him to heal his son?
Just like us, this official had an urgent need for Jesus. What he knew of Jesus was sufficient to draw him to ask Him to heal his son. This man took Jesus at His word and his son’s miracle would draw him and his family into relationship with Him. This official left his request with Jesus with no further beleaguering. He left it. He put it in the Lord’s hand. What about you?
Even when Jesus challenged his faith and belief, he was not deterred; he went his way in confidence that his son would be healed.
In times of prayer and fasting, we bring before God our needs for healing for others, self, relationships, habits, behaviors, prejudices—all the things that drive wedges in our connections with God and others. Just like the official, are we leaving these requests with God? Then confidently walking away knowing that God has heard us and will answer us?
Walking away is telling God that we completely trust Him.
Walking away is our act of surrender.
Walking away is walking closer to God.
Walk away.
Walk toward the answer. God is at the end of the walkway with the answer in His Hand. Start walking…
Carlene Lenore
Nashville, Tennessee
Nashville, Tennessee
REPEAT AFTER ME: Today, I will leave everything in the hands of God and walk towards the answer!
Beloved, join us for Praycation. Click the subscribe icon now and new messages will com in your email inbox. Share messages in your social network or email to a friend.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Grace Essentially
"Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart to revere your name."
Psalm 86:11
Majestic Lord, we lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving. Teach us to walk in the truth of your Word and demonstrate this truth in thought, word and deed to those we encounter today. Open to us the mysteries of your grace so that we can know the difference between what is essential and what is convenient. Grace is essential.
Create in us a clean heart and renew right intentions within us. In Jesus Name, remove from us all evil intentions so that wrong motives do not ever mingle with holy desires. Amen
Repeat After Me: Grace is essential!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Release The Power!
January 1, 2013
Happy New Year! You are invited to make declarations of God’s Word over your life instead of New Year’s resolutions. In this way instead of promising yourself that you will do something, you are releasing the power of God’s Word to work in your life.
For the next seven days, I will share seven verses from the Bible. Declare the Word out loud releasing it into the atmosphere. Keep declaring God’s Word until what is spoken in the Spirit manifests itself in the natural. Sure, it sounds too strange to be true. But it is. God’s Word works and can work for you. Go to the listen section on the home page and download the Declare God’s Word introduction.
A little girl in our neighborhood was trying out the new bike she got for Christmas training wheels and all. As she wobbled down the sidewalk, she shouted to her father “Look at me! Look at me!” Her father promptly gave her a standing ovation.
All of us, whether we are children or adults want to be noticed. It’s human. We desire people to affirm our achievements and gifts in life. We enjoy being praised for doing good things, being listened to, getting hugs and attention. Sometimes these things happen and sometimes they don’t.
When our value and worth is not appreciated it can create stress and anxiety. One failure can end up defining who we are. A low self-esteem can even get in the way of making strong relationships or lead to not trying anything at all.
This year turn negative feedback aside with God’s Word. You are loved. You are accepted. You are God’s masterpiece to do good things.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called for a time when “…all men will respect the dignity and worth of human personality”. There is no time like the present.
Live forward this year. If no one encourages you, learn to encourage yourself in God’s Word.
My New Year’s Declaration
I am God’s masterpiece; I will do the good works that God has planned in advance for me to do!
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (NIV)
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